Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 10 - Tricep Dips

Difficulty - Easy
Muscle Groups Addressed - Triceps, Shoulders

Tricep dips are an incidental wellness no-brainer. An exercise that you can literally do anywhere, there is something simply sweet about something so sweetly simple. Exactly the same in the gym as it is in your hotel room (or home/office), you'll need two elevated surfaces (or you can perform it starting in a table pose on the floor) to perform a dip.

Start with your hands under your shoulders, arms extended on one surface. Your legs should be straight with your heels resting on top of the other surface. Here, I used a chair and the bed... You can easily use two beds, or a chair and a desk, two chairs, or just do this exercise on the floor. Slowly lower your body down until your triceps and your forearms form a right angle, then come back up. If you want to add an element, pick one of your feet up slightly and hold it there. If you have a friend with you, have him/her place a weight (books, boxes, suitcase) on top of your lap.


  1. Hi Denis,

    Stumbled on your blog - really enjoying it.

    Question about tricep dips. Does it matter if the 2 surfaces (one for the hands and the other for the legs) are the same height? If not, which should be higher? The legs or the hands? Thanks

    1. Funny you ask, Buffjonson. My roommate, Dan, had the very same question just the other night.

      Generally speaking, you always want your hands at or on a higher plane than your feet. Having your hands lower than your feet will limit the range of motion you can achieve with the dip.

      Otherwise, the variations are usually either 1.) feet on an elevated surface, like in the posting; or 2.) feet on the ground, which will lessen the pressure in your triceps and shoulders. Straight legs will be more difficult than bent knees in this situation. Hope that helps!
