Muscle Groups Addressed - Deltoid (Delts), Triceps, Pectorals
Today's exercise is fairly traditional, but I'm going to show you how you can modify it to do the same work with minimal effort. That's the point of this, after all - make the traditional untraditional. You've seen the military press performed by hundreds of grunting juiceheads all across America's gym scene. Use dumbbells or a barbell for the gym version. Start with your arms up at a right angle, holding your weights at head-level. Lift the weights up, keeping your core engaged and your back straight and pause with them above your head. Do not fully lock your elbows. Then bring the weights back down to head-level and repeat for a total of 8-12 reps.
To work the same muscle groups, here's a simple isometric exercise you can do right in front of your computer. Press your palms together firmly and push. Hold for at least 10 seconds then release. You should feel the same pressure in your shoulders and arms as in the military press. Someone may walk by and think you're wishing for something... maybe bigger delts?