Muscle Groups Addressed - Glutes
Been sitting in that desk chair for umpteen hours and feel like your back is going to explode? Part of your problem is that your gluteal (butt) muscles are tightening and pulling on your lower back. It's all inter-connected.
This is a simple and effective way to loosen up your glutes and take some of that tension out of your lower back and improve your sitting posture.
Sit up tall, ankles below the knees, with an open chest. Cross one leg over your other thigh, as in the picture on the right. The ankle of your raised leg should be just over the knee of your planted leg. Inhale deeply.
For the neuro-integrated stretch - Take another deep breath in this hanging position and drive the knee of your raised leg towards the ground (you can use your forearm or elbow to push it down). Hold this for 5 seconds and then relax your knee. As you exhale, knee in neutral position, you should be able to dip down slightly further towards your planted foot. Do this one more time - inhale, push your knee down, dip further. This may be enough for you to get your hands to the floor. If not, don't worry, as with all stretches - it will come with time.
Don't forget to switch legs to address the other side. Back feeling any better?