Muscle Groups Addressed - Glutes, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Shoulders
The lunge is a ubiquitous exercise... perfect training for every sport and great at improving general mobility. Here, we'll add an overhead weight to simultaneously work the upper body. At the gym, start in a comfortable standing position, with either a dumbbell or a medicine ball held at your chest. Now, step one foot forward so that your front knee forms a 90 degree angle and your back leg is parellel (but not touching!) the floor. Simultaneously during the stepping motion, lift your arms up, driving the medicine ball or weight to the sky. Hold the lunge position for one breath, then, using power from both the front and back leg, lift up and bring the weight back to your chest. You should feel tension mostly in your glutes and shoulders as you hold the lunge position and extend your arms. Keep your back perpendicular to the floor the whole time... if you pitch forward or backward, you'll put unwanted pressure on your lower back. At work, it's the exact same principle. Either try it with a ream of paper, a book, or a box full of random desk junk. You can always do this exercise unweighted as well.
Try for 8-10 lunges per leg in the gym with good form. Keep it to 4-5 at the office to avoid grunting noises and sweating on your co-workers.