Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 12 - Handstand Pushups

Difficulty - 2xAdvanced
Muscle Groups Addressed - Shoulders/Upper Pecs

So I'm kind of obsessed with handstands now... they're insanely fun. Trust me, you'll get there if you start smart and slow. Today's move is definitely for the more advanced audience. Think of it as a fully elevated decline pushup...

See the previous day's post for the basics of how to get into a handstand. Once again, make sure you're warmed up and in the right mindset.

Once your butt is where your head should be and vice-versa, take a few deep breaths and tilt your head up a little bit. Unlike the picture, you should try to keep your legs straight... I'm playing with keeping my feet off the wall which is why my legs are flayed out a little bit for balance (next step is doing these away from the wall entirely!) Now, unlock your shoulders and your arms and slowly lower your nose towards the ground. Now come back up into a straight arm position, and repeat. Don't do too many of these, especially at first, since you want enough energy left in your core to come out of the handstand gracefully. Focus on putting all your weight in your hands. Keep your butt tucked in and your spine straight. You'll get a great shoulder/pec workout if your body is a straight line. Do these pushups nice and slow. Mix in a few isometric holds at the bottom once you're comfortable.