Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 27 - Skullcrushers

Difficulty - Moderate
Muscle Groups Addressed - Delts, Triceps, Lats

A favorite I picked up from a friend in college, these are named for the absolute opposite of what you're supposed to do! In the gym, pick a dumbell or barbell weight that you can curl comfortably. Lie down on a bench and put your feet flat on the floor. Grip the weight with both hands and hold it above your chest.

To execute this exercise, you can perform it one of two ways.

1.) Keeping your upper arms and elbows locked in place, slowly bring the weight directly down to your forehead (hence, skullcrushers) but do not touch your forehead and, goes without saying, definitely don't DROP it to your forehead, unless you're training for a headbutting competition. You should feel tension solely in your triceps. The motion looks like this:

2.) To take some tension out of your elbows, and to work more secondary muscles, you can also perform the exercise by keeping your arms locked and bringing the weight behind your head in a sweeping motion. You should still feel this in your triceps, but also in your lats (upper back) and delts (front shoulders).

Perform the same motion with a ream of papers or a heavy book at your desk. Sit up tall in your chair. For the first variation, bring the book from behind your head, straight to the ceiling. For the second variation, bring the book from behind your head down to your lap and up again. Good luck, and in the immortal words of Tony Horton... "Don't smash your face!"

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 26 - Side Bend + Right Angle Pose

Difficulty - Moderate
Muscle Groups Addressed - Obliques

You can do side-bends or situps....

A great standing exercise you can do at your desk... side-bends can be weighted or unweighted. Regardless, you'll feel a great burn in your obliques and also in your shoulders by adding the right angle yoga move.

Begin in a standing position, and bend slowly to one side. Feel free to stop when you feel a slight stretch in your side, or continue to bend down until you can place your fingertips on the ground or close to it. As you bend, extend your other arm skyward so that both of your arms are perpendicular to the ground. Now come up and repeat on the other side. Boom! Sides stretched.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 25 - Incline Pushups + Single Leg Crunch

Difficulty - Moderate
Muscle Groups Addressed - Pectorals, Delts, Triceps, Core

Greetings! Back after a week hiatus and ready to supply more exercises for those of you hungry for more ways to move.

Today's exercise is a simple and effective combination motion. You'll mix a standard elevated (incline) pushup with a prone single leg crunch, mixing upper body and core strength to create a perfect storm of total body conditioning.

In the gym or at your desk, assume a plank position on an elevated surface. Concentrate on maintaining a straight-line body and a tight core. As in all plank starts, don't forget to breathe! Keep your feet together and your arms locked straight. From this position, do a standard pushup, making sure to complete the motion (all the way down until your chest is a few inches above the surface, then all the way up). Once back at the top, bring one leg off the ground and crunch your knee to your elbow on the same side. It's ok if you can't bring your knee all the way up, just make sure you contract your core and breathe. Plant your foot back on the ground, complete another pushup, and crunch with the opposite leg. Perform 8-10 repetitions on both sides for a total of 16-20 pushups. Remember these pushups are easier because of the elevated position of your hands. If you still can't do as many, try these against a taller surface or even a vertical wall.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 24 - Ab Twists

Difficulty - Moderate
Muscle Groups Addressed - Rec

Now come on, baby... and do the twist!

Why anyone would purchase this nonsense is completely beyond me:

Let me show you a much easier (and arguably more effective) way to work your abdominals and obliques, right in the comfort of your very own desk chair!

Rotate around the ribcage. Any weight under 10 pounds will do. Keep your knees glued together. Stabilize from your hips to your ankles. Exhale as you rotate, inhale as you come to the center. Avoid rounding out the back. Remain in a tall, upright position. Avoid hunching forward at the shoulder blades.

To perform at your desk, sit tall in your chair and lift your legs up so that they are parallel to the floor (see Day 4 post!). Now slowly rotate your torso from side to side, tapping your arm-rests with your elbows if you have them (arm-rests that is... hopefully you have elbows).

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 23 - Wrist Stretch

Difficulty - Moderate
Muscle Groups Addressed - Wrists, Forearms

You may be thinking to yourself, "Desk jockies must have jacked wrists from all that typing and clicking!". And I would say to you, "Nay, sir, we do not." Repetitive motions in the hands and wrists lead to inflammation of the muscle tendons and the compression of nerves leading to tingling, numbness, and pain over time - a familiar condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome. To stave off any nasty, nagging pain, might I recommend a simple and effective stretch to elongate your wrist muscles and reduce inflammation? I'm going to assume you said "yes".

Hold the palm of one hand up and cup it with the other hand. Pull gently back with your cupping hand while you push the heel of the covered hand away from you. You don't need a ton of pressure here, just enough to feel a stretch. Think about pulling your fingers towards your forearm. Hold for ten seconds then release and switch hands.

A slightly more effective way to perform the same stretch is to do it on a surface like the floor or your desk. Turn your palms down and the heels of your hands away from your body. Slowly shift your body backwards so that you feel pressure on your wrists, such as in the picture here. You can slowly rock your body back and forth or hold the stretch then release. Bye bye wrist pain!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 22 - Falling Pushups

Difficulty - Advanced
Muscle Groups Addressed - Pecs, Triceps, Deltoids

The falling pushup is a fun, plyometric version of the classic...

Be careful attempting this. I prefer to start in a squat position so that you're falling from a lower plane, lessening the chance of boo-boos. The squat start is also primed to work the glutes and quads simultaneously.

Start in a quat with your hands up, like you're ready for someone to snap a football at you. Make sure your butt is down and your back is straight. Contracting your core and inhaling, slowly fall forward and catch yourself, keeping your lower body locked in the squat position. This should not be the difficult part of the motion. Fall gently, and give with your shoulders as you allow your hands to absorb the force of the impact.

Now, with your body prone over the floor, shift the power to your pecs and shoulders and explode up as you rock your body backwards. Come back to your initial squat stance with your hands still raised. Repeat 8-10 times.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 21 - Corn Cob Pull-ups

Difficulty - Advanced
Muscle Groups Addressed - Delts, Lats, Pecs, Biceps, Back

Had to throw another P90X favorite your way. The corn cob pullup is a juiced up version of the timeless classic. Before we dive in, perhaps a little basics tutorial on the multiple variations of grips you can use for a pull-up. Based on your grip, you can target multiple different muscle groups and adjust the intensity of the exercise.

Supinated (palms up) grip = Chin-up (more biceps, easier)
  • Chin-up with narrow grip - 4-6 inches apart; engages forearms more
  • Chin-up with neutral grip - ~12 inches apart; overloads elbows, heavy use of biceps
  • Chin-up with wide grip - 12-24 inches apart; engages

Pronated (palms down) grip = Pull-up (more back, harder)
  • Pull-up with narrow grip - Emphasizes lower lats and works biceps due to ineffective angle
  • Pull-up with neutral grip - Overloads forearms and shoulder stabilizers, heavy use of the back
  • Pull-up with wide grip - Emphasizes upper lats and upper pectorals
If you're not at the stage where you can do a full pull-up, put a chair underneath and support yourself with one or both feet.

Just make sure no matter which variation you're performing, you come all the way to the bottom and fully extend your arms. If you don't, you're not getting the most out of the exercise and you're neglecting all your synergist and dynamic stabilizer muscle groups. Also, try not to "kip", or use a jerking motion (momentum) to get yourself over the bar. Nice, slow, controlled movements will maximize the benefit of this exercise.

For corn-cobs, choose your grip and hang down with your arms fully extended. Slowly raise yourself up until your head is over the bar. Once you reach the top, in an isometric hold, shift your body to the left, then shift your body to the right, then come back to the center. Now, slowly release and lower your body down to a full hanging position. Repeat as many reps as you can. Again, the home/work version is exactly the same, you just have to find a doorframe or a pipe to hang from (careful to make sure it's not a heated pipe...)